Boom! Crash! Bang! The lightning flashed. As the door creaked open the floor rattled with fear. Bang!The door fell down. A giant shadow ran up the wall.”Boo!” Marco said has he jumped.”Marco!” Polo said as he shook in fear. Polo walked outside and sat on the front porch. Marco came up behind him.”You know it’s only a week til Halloween, where is your costume?” Marco said. Polo sighed,and put his head in his head.”Can I tell you a story ” ” Go ahead” Polo said.” One night much stormier than this night a ghost circled around a haunted house. The family never knew about the ghost. That night the ghost took the youngest child and took him to the basement. The parents called the police and the police searched the house. They found the child in the basement and the ghost went into one of the police and took over his body. The police shot Two people and hurt them. The police was caught by the U.S. army. The ghost took the life out of him and flew away. Nobody knows where the ghost is.” Marco exclaimed ” You mean like that guy” Polo said “Yes!” [both yelling and running at the same time] YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!